martes, 5 de abril de 2011
Grammar practice 2
A.- Example
B.- At 9:00 on Sunday she is studying for test
C.- At 12:30 on Saturday she is having lunch with Marta
D.- At 1:00 on Sunday she is having lunch with her grandparents
E.- At 7:00 on Saturday she is seeing film
F.- At 8:00 on Sunday she is meeting Ana.
A.- Example
B.- My father isn’t seeing the bank manager today. He is seeing the bank manager tomorrow
C.- We aren’t having a party on Friday. We are having a party on Saturday.
D.- You aren’t spending a day on a canal boat. You are spending a week on a canal boat.
E.- Linda isn´t having a lunch at 12:30. She is having a lunch at 1:00
F.- My brother isn´t having a driving lesson today. He is having a driving lesson tomorrow.
A.- Example
B.- Correct
C.- Wrong. She is seeing the dentist in two day’s time
D.- Correct
E.- Wrong Are you going camping next summer?
F.- Correct
G.- Wrong My brother is flying to Paris in September
1.- Example
2.- Are driving
3.- Are taking
4.- Are planning
5.- Are spending
6.- Are crossing
7.- Are staying
8.- Are going
9.- Are you doing?
martes, 29 de marzo de 2011
Every gesture tells a story
Cada gesto cuenta una historia
Cuando nosotros pensamos acerca del lenguaje o comunicación, usualmente lo relacionamos con hablar. Pero nuestros gestos y movimientos, en otras palabras nuestro lenguaje corporal nos dice mucho más que nuestras palabras. El lenguaje corporal nos dice qué estamos pensando o sintiendo.
Un psicólogo experto dice que las palabras son sólo el 7% de nuestra comunicación, mientras que el 93% restante lo hacen señales silenciosas. Los niños lo entienden naturalmente, pero a medida que hacemos énfasis en las palabras, vamos perdiendo la habilidad de captar y entender el lenguaje kinésico. Los adultos son muy buenos en decir palabras que no significan lo que ellos quieren expresar. El lenguaje corporal trabajo en conjunto con el lenguaje verbal, pero a veces son contradictorios.
Por ejemplo, una persona puede decir que está de acuerdo contigo, pero al mismo tiempo está corriendo la silla hacia atrás y se aparta de ti. Cuando físicamente se distancian de ti, es porque está expresando un desacuerdo.
Algunas personas son muy buenas mintiendo con su lenguaje corporal, dice el psicólogo. Por ejemplo, los políticos aprender a usar ciertos gestos para tener una mejor impresión acerca de ellos. Pero ellos no son tan exitosos como esperan. Antes de creer en lo que la cara de una persona te dice debes moverte hacia atrás y ver todo su cuerpo, para ver que te dice, entre más te alejes de su cara más veraz será.
Algunos gestos faciales, sin embargo, las hacemos instintivamente. Por ejemplo, las pupilas de tus ojos se dilatan cuando se sienten atraídos por alguien. Una gran parte del lenguaje corporal es inconciente. Si queremos usar y entender gestos exitosamente, nosotros necesitamos ser concientes de sus distintos significados.
Ver el lenguaje corporal en nosotros mismos y en otras personas nos ayuda a comunicarnos mejor. Si tú logras aprender a descifrar y usar el lenguaje corporal bien, va a ser tan fluido como el lenguaje verbal.
1.- Usually.
2.- Speaking.
3.- Too.
4.- Make up.
5.- Signals.
6.- Shifts.
7.- knack of.
8. - Contradictory
9. - Tilting.
10. - Actually.
11. - Disagreement.
12.- Liars
13.- Right
14.- Truthful
15.- For instance
16.- Successfully
17.- Unconsciously
18.- Aware
19.- Instinctively.
20.- Decipher
1) Shrugging your shoulders 3_____ ‘Good luck’
2) Putting your thumbs up 6_____ You are embarrassed.
3) Crossing your fingers 11_____ ‘How do you do? /Goodbye.’
4) Biting your nails 1_____ ‘I don’t know’
5) Folding your arms and tapping your feet . 14_____ ‘Not paying attention’
6) Blushing 8_____ ‘You are crazy’
7) Nodding your head 2_____‘Everything’s OK’
8) Shaking your head 9_____‘You are worried’
9) Biting your bottom lip 12 _____‘Catch attention’
10) Waving your hand 15_____‘You’re thinking’
11) Shaking hands with someone 4_____ ‘You are losing your temper’
12) Cough 5 _____ ‘No’
13) Leaning back in a chair 10 _____ ‘Hi’
14) Looking at the ceiling in a classroom 7_____’Yes’
15) Moving your finger at the side of your face. 13 _____ ‘Desinterest’
lunes, 7 de marzo de 2011
The fire alarm
Story Pyramid
Curious, brave
Noisy, dread, delay
Alarm, loudly, false, rescue
Whiteboard, alarm, hear, fire, panic.
Seven, students, apologize, night, slowly, supervisor.
Fireman, false, turn off, ears, hurt, school police, strange.
Key, turn off, alarm, ears, rescue, school police, supervisor, false.
Well in first place if we were Jennifer, we would be very scared, because the noise would be very loud. We would run very fast, because the fire might reach us and we would be dead. But we think that if any person in the school was inside, we would be brave and would enter and look up everywhere some person who needed our help, because sometimes is important think in other person besides in myself. We called the fireman because we don’t do something with fire, because we don’t have the tools to attack the fire. But we won’t know it until happen.
See you
jueves, 18 de noviembre de 2010
Hachiko, a dog's story
In the beginning Professor Parker Wilson didn’t allow go out Hachiko, but he escaped for follow him to the train’s station and so spend the time with the Professor.
One day, the Professor went to work, but Hachiko knew that day would be bad.
Hachiko passed the yellow ball mean that something important would be happen.
Despite that, Professor Parker Wilson took the train, and went to work. That day, Professor Wilson dead in the University. After that day, Hachiko wait for the Professor until the day he died.
The topic that we will to release is the loyalty that Hachiko have with the Professor and the connection that have with our lives.
Hachiko felt much love for his owner, and he never give up the idea that he would return, he spend hours and hours in the train’s station, in fact, he died in the place where he wait him.
Well, for us, the loyalty is a value very important, because the people engages relations with other people, and that the relation will get stronger must have loyalty, love, respect, and all the values. The loyalty is very important because for this way, the person feel confidence with other person.
Our opinion about the movie, is that it was very nice, we get excited and sad for the final, because the dog dead, and dreamed that his owner was there, with him.
Well, we hope that you can see the movie, because it’s so beautiful and enjoy with your partners.
jueves, 7 de octubre de 2010
domingo, 26 de septiembre de 2010
Who's had the biggest influence on your life? Why?
I love my mom, I pass all day with her, she teachs me everything that I know today. She tought me cook, she tought me math, she tought me everything. I really appreciate her for exist, because I relly don’t know what do without her. I think that I have a special bonding with her, because she gives me the life, and I really love her. I hope that you like it, because is really beautiful. Bye
What historical figure do you most identify with?

Hi everyone..the topic of today is “What historical figure do you most identify with? Why?” Well, In first place I think that is very difficult choose one historical figure, because each one have many qualities and defects, but I think that with the most identify me is Manuel Rodriguez, because he was a very strong man, and he was very brave with all things that he did, and the think that most identify me is that he was very, very, very loyal with his ideas, he never says no when it came to defending what he wanted, their homeland. In general, I think that Manuel Rodriguez, is a very valuable man, and I identify with him, because he thinks very similar to me. Other think that I impressed is that Manuel Rodriguez was very ingenious, because he disguised himself to avoid being trapped, and I would like be very ingenious as him. In my opinion, I hate this topic, because is very difficult decide for one. I hope that you like it! Bye